
Contact Us

This is where you register to get on our listserv and unsubscribe to get off. You can also email us from this page. Suggestions for improving this site are always welcome.

The contact address for this web site is mhfriedm@gwu.edu

To register for our listserv, send a request to mhfriedm@gwu.edu. Include your email address, name and institution (if any). Include "Register" in the subject line. Please indicate how you will use the book: as a textbook in a course you are teaching, as a student in course you are taking, as a resource for your further study or research, or any other purpose or combination of these. This latter information is requested to allow us to characterize the user population, but is not required to register. It is possible that certain communications through the listserv will be limited to students, faculty and/or researchers, in which case such distribution will be sent to only those who provided the additional information during registration. For more information regarding registration, please see our Privacy Policy.

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Other communications. While the wiki is being set up, the contact email address, mhfriedm@gwu.edu and mailing list of registrants will be our primary vehicles for communication. For now, please use the former for feedback on the text and on this site, and we will use the latter to contact the users.

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Figure 4.6b in the text contains two images of a portion of a voltage-dependent potassium channel (the Kv1.2 channel in rat brain), showing the conformational change of a region of the protein thought to serve as the voltage sensor [...]

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